How long do people live when wearing jeans on T-shirts on Mars

Explore the universe, step into space or visit Mars is the dream of many people. However, we all know that life on Mars is extremely harsh because it is cold, terrain like a giant desert with lots of sand and gravel of the solar system and contains very little oxygen .

We often see images of astronauts wearing a huge, white, big and very heavy protective suit. Many people are curious as to what will happen when we wear a T-shirt with jeans on it.

Picture 1 of How long do people live when wearing jeans on T-shirts on Mars
The astronauts wear a very large, white, big and very heavy protective gear when exploring the universe

Mars is farther away from the Sun, so the average temperature on the planet's surface is quite low, the average is -31 degrees Celsius during the day and -89 degrees Celsius at night. Winter on Mars, the temperature can drop to - 92 degrees Celsius. With such weather conditions, obviously the clothes will not help us withstand the cold on Mars.

Besides, the atmosphere on Mars is very thin, estimated at 1% of Earth. With 96% CO2 and a very small amount of oxygen, it is not enough to help people breathe.You can completely lose consciousness in 15 seconds due to lack of oxygen to breathe.

If not killed by the low pressure atmosphere, there are many other factors that make it hard to tolerate longer than a minute without equipment and protective clothing.

Chris Webster, an expert from NASA, said: "Because there is no atmosphere, there is no atmospheric pressure on Mars, and your blood and fluids will not flow normally." in it it will "boil" up and float in every bloodline.

Picture 2 of How long do people live when wearing jeans on T-shirts on Mars

Because they cannot flow evenly as before, their temperature will decrease, then freeze before being completely evaporated. This process takes about 30 seconds - 1 minute.

Your skin and internal organs will also swell up because the body fluids are constantly boiling and you will feel painful death.

With that, you will be exposed to a variety of intense ultraviolet radiation. In addition, giant cosmic dust storms may appear, covering the planet and harming humans. And all this will cause you trouble before feeling hungry and thirsty.