Space travel presents a series of challenges in harsh environments. The time it takes humans to survive is not long if pushed into space without wearing protective gear.

Astronaut's clothes must be white, but when they return to Earth they wear orange, what's special from this?

Elon Musk made history with the successful launch of the world's strongest rocket Falcon Heavy, accompanied by an extremely special package: his personal Tesla Roadster. The

'This is a small step of a human being, but a giant step of humanity' is the words of Neil Armstrong when he put his first foot on the Moon on July 20, 1969.

What do we know about aerospace staff? These space suits not only reflect the high level of science and technology, but their prices are extremely expensive.

In Russia is completing the process of testing new jumpsuits used many times in space called

On Mars, you can completely lose consciousness in 15 seconds due to lack of oxygen to breathe.

When setting up astronaut suits for NASA astronauts, researchers of the 1960s needed a volunteer to try out. And from that need, this weird robot has