How to add super fast orange

A newly posted video revealed the fastest and simplest way to add oranges with just three cuts.

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Tips for adding super fast orange

The 39-second video, posted by the Rumble Viral account, has been posted on the YouTube page, showing details of convenient cams: First, you cut off the top of the orange with two knives. Then, rotate the orange stand and cut a vertical stroke until the knife reaches the central core of the fruit.

Lastly, you just need to split the two oranges along the vertical tonic, then easily separate the orange zones as you like.

Because oranges are common and nutritious fruit with abundant vitamin C content and high antioxidant and processing tips, using it immediately attracts the attention of the online community.

The video has now attracted 420,000 views in a short time. Many comments expressed praise for this very simple but creative method of orange supplement.