How to choose safe food on Tet

For poultry, choose a natural color, from ivory to bright yellow, bright eyes. Broken poultry meat is dark yellow, dark purple or dark yellow, cloudy eyes, closed.

Food safety is still a concern, especially during Tet. And not everyone knows how to choose fresh foods. Department of Food Safety and Hygiene (Ministry of Health) offers a number of safe food choices:

1. Vegetables and fruits

- Do not buy vegetables that have withered, crushed or have a strange odor, have unusual signs such as "too fat", "too bloated" or stick with small dust particles.

- When using, it is necessary to pick and separate each leaf and stalk of vegetables, soak in clean water for 15-20 minutes to dissolve plant protection drugs (if any). After that, wash away 2-3 times before running water or in a full basin. If it is a fruit, it is advisable to remove the peel, remove the crushed fruits.

Picture 1 of How to choose safe food on Tet

2. Fresh meat

- Choose meat with dry outer membrane, bright red or dark red color, shiny, cut in normal, bright, dry colors. Avoid meat that is light green or slightly dark, even black, not shiny, viscous outer film.

- Fresh, delicious meat must be firm, elastic, take your fingers into the meat, leave no indentation when removing your finger and not stick.

3. Poultry meat (chicken, geese, ducks .)

- Natural colors, from ivory to bright yellow, bright eyes. Broken poultry meat is dark yellow, dark purple or dark yellow, cloudy eyes, closed. Skin is tight, healthy, free of stains, bruises, mold or strange marks.

- With ready-to-eat meat (like roasted meat), be cautious, only buy in establishments with clear origin, hygienic.

- Do not buy meat sold in stalls, baskets, mills, paper to close to soil because of contagious bacteria (or in soil, animal dung, human feces).

4. Canned food

- Choose the type of 2 lid with a recessed box, tap with a sound. If the lid of the box bulged out, knocking on the squeaky sound, the canning was broken.

- You can dip the box into the water basin, preferably 70-80 degrees Celsius, put down your hand to see if air bubbles rise. Or put in boiled water, with good canned food, 2 caps will swell, otherwise the food will be rotten.