How to fight mosquitoes and squeeze bites while traveling

Spring is the time of breeding for all kinds of larvae, especially mosquitoes and wringing, insects that you must always be careful during a trip through the forest.

To avoid insect bites and timely treatment of wounds, you should carefully prepare items before you leave.

Prevention for mosquitoes

Wild mosquitoes live wild, often close and very fond of burning human blood, working hard when it is sunny. Mosquitoes can cause life-threatening malaria.

There are many types of mosquito repellent available on the market that you should apply to your skin before going into the forest. If not, you can apply lemon to exposed skin or bring a lemongrass, these flavors work to keep mosquitoes away from you a bit.

Picture 1 of How to fight mosquitoes and squeeze bites while traveling
Salt and lemon are important when going to the forest, not only for cooking but also for many things

Taking B1 pills before traveling , your skin will secrete the smell of medicine that makes many insects evade. Bleaching agents (chlorine) often produce odors that make insects not dare to approach. If you take a 15-minute dip in a tub of water with about half a can of cow's milk bleach, the insect will not dare to attack you for hours.

Wear long-sleeved clothes and seal open areas like the neck. When the camp rests, avoid damp areas, woody items because it is a favorite haven for mosquitoes and many insects.

Handle the bite: When you are bitten by mosquitoes, apply a little salt or lemon peel to disinfect. Do not scratch your bite with your hands. Only rub lightly. Mosquito bites will be very itchy. A little toothpaste will ease the itch.

Aspirin has always been carefully stored in the pockets of long-time foresters because it is a medicine to fight extremely dangerous malaria.

Prevent from squeezing

They often go looking for prey from 5 to 8 am or 17 to 19 pm. They often choose places with warm temperatures such as after pillows, thighs, groin, back, armpits, neck . to suck blood. It is possible to climb on shoes, clothes to find places where no medicine is applied and where it can get into a human body.

Picture 2 of How to fight mosquitoes and squeeze bites while traveling
Bites should be washed with antiseptic or dilute salt water to avoid infection

Apply anti-squeezed medication inside: both feet to knees (when the weather is dry), even the thighs to the hip (when it rains), ears, neck and shoulders, arms, armpits. Apply anti-squeezing medication on the outside: securing slots, shoe necks, socks, pants section, shoulders, hats. Outside you can use mosquito spray for easy operation.

Put pants into the socks. Use socks and socks to sell at travel shops and wear thick and long-sleeved clothes, gloves, avoid leaving the neck area, ears are warm spots on the body that are easily squeezed into the bite. Notice that the spawns are crawling on pants and shirts to snatch away because they will get into you through the belt, splinting your shirt.

Do not sit in dense places, on the ground, leaves. Do not stand, sit for a long time in a heavily squeezed area. Should choose a place to open and rock cliffs to sit. Scare away an area by sweeping the leaves, spraying mosquitoes, or sprinkling salt on the ground, burning fire-smokes.

Picture 3 of How to fight mosquitoes and squeeze bites while traveling
Before camp, pay attention to clean up and clear the surroundings

Squeeze treatment: Use the tip of your finger to squeeze the skin and squeeze the small end (blood-sucking end) of the squeeze, then push the other end of the squeezed end, then fling it away before it clings to your finger. Or take some salt particles straight into the biting squeeze, squeezing will immediately release . Using lighters to burn, using high pressure on the squeezed ones also makes them release immediately .

Wash the wound, press the wound with your thumb to temporarily stop the bleeding, stick the bandage to the bite. After 15 minutes check the wound, if new bandages need to be changed. Lighters and salt must be in the bag of people going to the forest.