5 reasons you get mosquito bites more than others

Stand in the crowd, but there are people bitten by mosquitoes, some people don't. What makes you a mosquito magnet?

>>>Mosquitoes know how to choose people to burn

Read how these seemingly harmless habits can make you a delicious target.

CO 2

Richard Pollack, from Harvard School of Public Health, said mosquitoes are very good at judging targets by tracking these traces.'If you've just done a lot of exercise, you'll release more CO2 in a short period of time, and that attracts a bit more mosquitoes'.

Unfortunately there is no possible way to prevent CO2 from coming out of your breath.

Picture 1 of 5 reasons you get mosquito bites more than others
Mosquitoes are attracted to CO2, heat . emitted from human skin.


While CO 2 leads the way for mosquitoes to know you are the target, the heat released will help them determine where to burn on you.

Dr. Jonathan Day, professor of insect medicine at the University of Florida, said that before burning, mosquitoes can find exactly where the body has blood vessels near the skin's surface. Common positions are forehead, wrist, elbow and neck.

However, for people who are too hot or have just finished their outdoor exercise, the whole body has blood distributed near the skin surface.

Your clothes

If you are going to a picnic and want to avoid mosquito bites, avoid wearing a dark or dark body suit.'If you wear a dark set, you will be in a backlit position and mosquitoes can see you.'

Some species of mosquitoes are hunters following the light, and they look for signs of life on the bright side. Movements also attract their attention.


The results of a study of 13 people indicated that drinking a beer can make you a target for mosquitoes, although experts from the US Agency for Disease Control and Prevention say there is no solid evidence of Eating certain foods or drinks increases your risk of being bitten by mosquitoes.

Human breath

In addition to heat and carbon dioxide, mosquitoes are also attracted to naturally released chemicals through people's breaths.

CO 2 and heat pull mosquitoes to crowds where there are many people, but the individual chemicals of each person can make them become unfortunate or lucky to avoid their fountains.

Among these chemicals are estrogen-related substances, which may be the reason why women are more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are also attracted to lactic acid - the acid released by the body after exercise.

How to prevent mosquito bites

Besides wearing bright colors, staying out of the house at dusk and dusk, you should follow these tips:

Use insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin or IR 3535. Some lemon oils can also prevent mosquitoes.

Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants and socks when going out, avoiding outdoor activities at dawn or dusk, the peak hours of mosquitoes.

Use mosquito nets in windows and regularly remove puddles of water, standing around the house.

In addition, using a blower fan also makes mosquitoes unable to land and bite people.