How to grow and care always good quỳnh flowers

If you are a lover and wish to cultivate yourself and enjoy the flavor of quỳnh flowers, readers can refer to the instructions for planting and taking care of the plants below.

How to plant flowers quỳnh always good

Breed selection: Like all other flowers, breeding is very important to the quality when the flowers mature and harvest.

Picture 1 of How to grow and care always good quỳnh flowers
Growing quỳnh flowers want beautiful, special attention should be paid when choosing to buy varieties.(Illustration)

How to plant: First, throw away the small quỳnh branches, or the stalks are too tall, only keep the big branches, thick (leaf) branches, and any high branches too short, separate the branches just cut into In a cool place, bring it back into a pot a week or put it in a new pot (let it stay cool for a week for the cut to heal, not get fungal infections)

Put the quỳnh tree into the pot for soil, lightly press for the root, sprinkle it with water. Then put quỳnh pots in a cool place for three to four weeks, then bring them to the sun. About a month later, there will be strong and erect branches of quỳnh from the ground up, these branches will give flowers in a few years. Each branch will have at least two to three flowers in the main flower crop each year (August-September depending on the hot and cold climate).

Picture 2 of How to grow and care always good quỳnh flowers
How to plant flowers quỳnh in pots or in the garden is very simple because this plant is not too selective conditions.(Illustration)

Do not change the soil too early, to quỳnh the insufficient sunlight, point to the small tops, not flowering. Quynh is very easy to grow and break the branches. But only the strong, large, strong branches of previous years, this year only have flowers.

Care for quỳnh flowers properly to produce more and durable flowers


Picture 3 of How to grow and care always good quỳnh flowers
Planting good quỳnh flowers does not need too much fertilizer and care carefully.(Illustration)

Quỳnh plants do not need fertilizers, but can also irrigate fertilizers: Peters 20-20-20, Miracle Gro, or Super Bloom. Each month a small cup from April to September, should not use fertilizers with high nitrogen levels. The reason that quỳnh does not bloom mainly is lack of sunlight or underage (usually must be 5 years or older, new quỳnh blooming).

How to care

Quynh originally lived in the shade in the desert or the canopy of the rainforest, so the quỳnh tree was relatively easy to grow. Can be grown by plugging branches, having rain and sun roof, wind and cold air with porous soil and drainage is a growing tree. Quynh survived for a long time in the natural environment and suffered from drought, but could not stand waterlogged, even if she was not cared for, quỳnh still alive but did not flower. Therefore, quỳnh need regular fertilization to give flowers and have a long life.

Picture 4 of How to grow and care always good quỳnh flowers
Planting quỳnh flowers in a sunny place will help plants thrive and produce more flowers.(Illustration)

Plants quỳnh often planted in the place where there is a lot of sunshine, but avoid direct sunlight, simulating its natural habitat. Therefore, always need to let the soil of the pots quỳnh dry face, then water.

When quỳnh not flowering at the beginning of the season, let pots quỳnh dried for a week or two. Do not water regularly. Because trees with the same family quỳnh cactus, drought. Sprinkling with water, roots will be waterlogged, plants will not see young buds and no flowers. It should be noted not to plant too many trees in a pot, about 8 30cm one-pot plants. Because too many trees, every tree is tiny and doesn't have flowers.