Techniques for growing and caring rhododendron flowers in Tet season

Rhododendron flowers are the favorite flower variety and the choice of families in every Lunar New Year. In order to get a beautiful azalea, growers need to know the techniques of planting and caring to help the flower pots shine shimmering.

Rhododendron flower , also known as flower tea paint or pink paint is one of the favorite ornamental flowers in many parts of the world because of its gentle beauty. On New Year, people often let some indoor azalea pots with a wealth of meaning. Just pay a little attention to techniques of planting and caring, azalea pots will bloom not only beautiful in Tet but also after Tet.

Picture 1 of Techniques for growing and caring rhododendron flowers in Tet season
Proper planting and care techniques will produce beautiful azalea pots

Steps for growing azaleas

Choose varieties

On the market today widely used Belgian rhododendron varieties. This is a small, false rhododendron tree, large flowers, diverse with trees for both colors. Planting methods can be seeding, cuttings or extraction. The method of curing and extraction can produce finished products faster than the method of sowing.

Land for planting

The soil for Belgian rhododendrons is acidic soil, if grown in alkaline soil, can kill plants. Rhododendron land must ensure the following factors: Spongy soil, drainage, ventilation, plenty of humus, enough fertilizer. The pH range from 4 - 5 is most suitable. In order to establish the best soil for rhododendrons, it is advisable to mix soil with humus of all kinds of pine trees and their leaves.

Picture 2 of Techniques for growing and caring rhododendron flowers in Tet season
A little note in the technique of planting rhododendron trees is the earth element

Choose pots

Choose pots that are balanced with trees, large soiled pots, much water. The pot has a big hole in the bottom, a wide mouth to evaporate and a quick drain. Base on the body and canopy to determine the pot. Rhododendrons are shallow species so it is better to select shallow pots rather than tall pots. When planting in pots, use pots with holes at the bottom, use plastic mesh lining the bottom of the pot then use some broken bricks and gravel to put on, about 2-3cm thick.

Pour soil around 1/2/2/3 pots, pay attention to leave the root system free and then add more soil and gently compress it. Replace the pot when you see the roots of the plant at the bottom of the pot, then repot more, combine is replacing the prepared soil like the soil.

Picture 3 of Techniques for growing and caring rhododendron flowers in Tet season
Planting techniques also require selecting the appropriate pots

Watering techniques for rhododendron trees

Rhododendrons have very strong root systems, so they are afraid of drought and do not suffer long periods of flooding. If drought or over-watering, the plants grow, grow poorly, yellow leaves and drooping flowers Therefore, it is necessary to base on weather conditions to have appropriate irrigation regime. The best irrigation time is in the early morning or the cool afternoon. At the time of plant growth, buds, flowers need to water more. During dry days it is necessary to spray a lot of water around leaves, flowers, pots and ground to increase air humidity.

Principles of irrigation , after planting and caring for plants on buds, new buds, the potted soil does not dry without watering, just enough moisture. Every 10 - 15 days, watering once a 10% diluted vinegar, if not, use rice water, sour bean juice diluted. 5 - 10 days watering once diluted solution. Combine once a month to pour iron sulfate diluted 0.5 - 1%, the tree will not get yellow leaf disease. Without iron sulfate, it is OK to use iron rust soaked in water.

Picture 4 of Techniques for growing and caring rhododendron flowers in Tet season

Techniques for fertilizing azaleas

Rhododendrons are not voracious plants, so pay attention when fertilizing. If fertilizer is applied too much, over-fertilizing also affects the growth of the plant. In order to have big and beautiful flowers, it is necessary to apply a suitable amount of fertilizer, a suitable way of fertilizing, according to the experience of gardeners: dry fertilizer is applied less, water is diluted.

Usually only fertilize with trees 2 years and older. For 2-3 year old plants, only apply from the end of the spring to the beginning of the season, apply once every 10-15 days to dilute. For plants aged 4 years or more, apply dry fertilizer twice a year in spring and autumn, in the middle of June, apply fertilizer P and K. once every 6 months, then stop fertilizing, until they die, the plants grow branches can apply diluted water.

Picture 5 of Techniques for growing and caring rhododendron flowers in Tet season

Some attention when fertilizing:

  1. Do not apply more fertilizer in the summer to avoid yellow leaves and deciduous leaves.
  2. If summer, plants grow normally and are entering a real growth stage, you can apply 1-2 times Ca3 (PO4) 2 + Ca (HPO3) to promote flower buds.
  3. After each application, it is necessary to increase watering and stirring.
  4. After winter, no fertilizer is required.

How to take care of azaleas

Pruning : Pruning diseased branches, weak branches, dry branches, or thick growing branches combined with pruning to create canopy to grow and develop at will. The time of pruning and shaping can be divided into 2 stages: the growing season and the resting period. Growth season: cutting off tops, bending branches, adjusting thickness, .

Sleep break : mainly cutting branches and weak branches. Cut old and short branches to grow new branches.

Raising trees in the period set in the house : When displaying in the room, attention must be paid to places with light and ventilation. Every day, transfer flower pots out, leave overnight. During the flowering period, pay attention not to water the flowers. The time to display in the room must not be left for too long, within about a month to change the pot to the garden to care.

Picture 6 of Techniques for growing and caring rhododendron flowers in Tet season

Adjust flowering period:

Flowering conditions (light and temperature): At daytime> 27oC, at night> 18oC, the flowering is much. Flower buds also require lighting from 5-16h / day.

The differentiation of flower buds and blooming flowers : Under the influence of each species characteristic.

Treatment method for early blooming flowers: Enhance care, for fast growing new branches. When the tree is finished, it is necessary to start watering the flower buds, start to water less, light up, lower the temperature, ensure the soil is humid and moderate .