How to inhibit the appetite of nicotine

Currently, scientists have discovered how nicotine inhibits appetite signals in the brain, paving the way for the birth of a potential treatment for obese patients and those who want to quit smoking. cigarettes that do not want to gain weight.

Some smokers argue that the reason they do not want to quit is because they are afraid of gaining weight, although smoking causes many other health problems including: cancer, pneumothorax syndrome and disease heart.

Picture 1 of How to inhibit the appetite of nicotine
Smoking helps inhibit appetite, but it causes many health problems.
(Photo: TheConversation)

In mouse experiments, US scientists discovered how nicotine affected the hypothalamus melanocortin system, part of the central nervous system, by activating a set of receptors. certain. These receptors then activate a set of pro-opiomelanocortin, also known as POMC (a type of middle lobe Hormone), which suppresses appetite.

Experimental mice exposed to nicotine in the trial ate only half the amount of food (the amount of food they ate when not affected by nicotine) and lost about 15% to 20% of their body weight , although they still drink water at normal levels.

" Understanding the mechanism of neurobiology based on appetite suppression through smoking will facilitate the development of new treatments, help with cessation of smoking and prevent or treat disease. obesity, "scientists said. The results of this study were published in the journal Science.