How to know the person opposite you is making a fake smile?

Smile is a common language in the world that represents friendliness. But how do we know if that smile is true?

Psychologist Richard Wiseman has conducted a study to demonstrate the ability of people to recognize the "true" smile.

Picture 1 of How to know the person opposite you is making a fake smile?
Where is the fake smile?

The photographer will ask the person pictured to meet someone they dislike and then smile artificially, then they will imagine they are meeting a close friend and give a sincere smile. Both of these situations will be captured by the photographer.

The question is, is it difficult to identify "fake" and "real" smiles? "If you don't have empathy, you won't be able to tell the difference between the two pictures , " Wiseman said. According to the survey, he said that about 60% of ordinary people will distinguish the difference, while those who go to parties will account for a higher percentage: 66%. In addition, reporters and social scientists are the ones with the highest guessing rate: 73% and 80% respectively. In other words, people who work with people who are more involved in people or who interact with people will find the difference between "fake" and "real" smiles easier.

The picture on the left is the real smile.

The difference between the two pictures is the wrinkles on the corners of the eyes, the " real" smile will use more facial muscles to smile, leading to the more difficult wrinkles in the eyes than the fake smile. In general, the eyes said it all.