How to prevent and cure measles

Measles often appear at the end of the old year, the beginning of the new year. Not only cause complications such as nasal dysentery, prolonged diarrhea, pneumonia, measles can also cause rickets, malnutrition, even death in children under 5 years of age if untreated. it's correct.

>>>How to distinguish measles from typhus
>>> Symptoms and how to care for children with measles

The best precaution is to give your child the measles vaccine . At the end of the year, it is recommended to buy many old-smelling trees with solid fruits, to hang them at the head of the house, to blow dry and crunchy, crush the seeds and dry leaves in a sealed bottle . In the period of measles, take a small handful of seeds and old smelling leaves into 3 boiled water ladles to cool them down. Before taking a bath, give your child a spoonful of water. Take a bath every half a month. This can prevent measles from arising, being clean and fragrant. If you are careful, your clothes also occasionally put in the old smell of water to boil.

When there is widespread measles, mothers should keep their children away from the disease. Relatives and parents who need to come to the place with measles must return to washing their clothes in boiling water and clean and then contact them. Any family with many children who miss a child who has measles will have to live separately, not to lie together, blankets and bedding must be cleaned.

Picture 1 of How to prevent and cure measles
Old smelling seeds help prevent measles.(Photo:

During the measles season, if a child seems to be less playful and refuses to play as usual, mothers should keep a close eye on whether or not to get measles. If you see a warm, warm forehead with blemishes at the bottom of the skin, eye skin, forehead skin, and earlobes are quite cool, it is a sign of measles. You should abstain from water, avoid wind and keep warm. At the same time, you can use one of the remedies below:

  1. Perilla leaf seeds 30g; cassava 25 g; marjoram, the mantra every 20 g; licorice 5 g. All dried, canned fine powder packaged 3 g. One-year-old children drink two packs a day, 3 years of age on the 4-pack, 5-year-old drink on the 6-pack: Stress the medication with filtered boiling water or drink the pulp. The drug is only used for 3 days, only in the first stage, when measles has spread evenly or children with diarrhea should not drink.
  2. The cassava root is a big piece of two matchboxes (peeled thinly), the duckweed takes five plants (remove the roots), the 10-fold marjoram (dry or fresh, if the flower is as good as possible). All three things are put in half a bowl of water, boil well, decant the warm sound to drink and cover the blanket for airtight. This is the drug dose of children 1-3 years old. If the child is older, the number is doubled; If under one year of age, only half of the amount is given. Every day, a ladder for drinking. Drinking two days in a row, measles grows evenly.
  3. Take 5-6 jasmine leaves, or take a mushroom, put in a cup of water, boil thoroughly, to nearly cool for drinking. In the first days of measles, if the child has diarrhea 3-4 times a day, it is not afraid, when measles will reduce diarrhea. The measles grow two or three days but the children cough a lot, even when they have a hoarse cough, they should take the 10 fish leaf leaves or 20 moldy daisies, wash it with salt water, pound, squeeze the juice for each drink. Small spoon, drink gradually.

The children who have blemished measles for two or three days do not grow out clearly, so grab a handful of old smelling leaves, pour them in with two well-boiled water bowls, let them sound warm, then take a clean, wet towel to wipe grandchildren from head to toe. Or take a handful of old smells with a cup of boiled wine and then spray from the neck to the legs and abdomen (avoid the head and face). Spray finished warming for sweating. Then give the drugs mentioned above. Should only drink 2-3 degrees. Seeing measles already grows.

After 3-4 days, measles have flown, so children should eat easily digestible things such as sugar porridge, vegetable soup cooked with catfish, or perch. Do not eat more meat. If eating meat, only lean meat should be fed, not too full. Cooking water fragrant leaves include lemongrass leaves, marjoram leaves, old smelling leaves to clean, not to rush.