Symptoms and how to care for children with measles

When there are children, measles parents are very worried and embarrassed, do not know how to handle it. So, how to best care for children with measles?

>>>How to distinguish measles from typhus

Measles is a seasonal disease, common in children and benign. However, if not properly cared for, children may have complications leading to death. Measles is most common in the spring, when the temperature and humidity of the air are high, the bacteria are easy to grow and develop. The disease has a very rapid spread, about 90% of babies exposed to measles will be infected. Children at high risk of measles are children who are weak, premature babies, and are not fully vaccinated. Adults can also get measles if the body is not immune to the disease.

Symptoms of measles

When children have measles there will be symptoms of the disease, so parents with small children should be mindful when they see their children have the following expression:

- Incubation period: At this time children may have a mild fever.

- Inception period: This is the most contagious period, lasting from 3 to 5 days with symptoms: mild fever or high fever of 39.5 o C to 40 o C, may have convulsive high fever, accompanied by fatigue, headache, muscle aches and joint pain. In addition, there are symptoms of lacrimation, red eye conjunctiva, patients afraid of light, cornea and eyelids may be swollen, sneezing, runny nose, coughing, hoarseness. May cause laryngitis shrinking, if symptoms of dengue in the gastrointestinal tract will cause diarrhea.

Picture 1 of Symptoms and how to care for children with measles

- Rash period: The rash appears first in the ear, then spreads to the cheeks, neck, chest, abdomen and upper limb within 24 hours. In the next 24 hours, the rash spreads to the back, abdomen, 2 arms and finally 2 legs from day 2 to day 3 of the disease. The measles board is pale pink, pressed on and off, often cohesive. In mild cases, the rash appears sparse. For severe cases, the rash is dense both palms and feet, sometimes with a petechial hemorrhage with bleeding from the nose, mouth, gastrointestinal hemorrhage.

- Recovery period: Measles board flies in the order of appearance, leaving the affected skin areas with dark spots on the skin surface.

How to care for children when measles is present

- Regularly wash baby's face and mouth, change gas, cushion, clothes to ensure hygiene for children. Clean the baby daily with a clean, soft towel.

- Abstain from wind, abstain from dirt, isolate children, let children stay in a bright, bright room, avoid drafts.

- Do not feed children with allergy-containing protein foods such as abstaining from using aquatic products, perch, carp, goldfish, crab, crayfish, shrimp, deaf fish, oysters, clams, and all kinds of Goat meat, dog meat, chicken, duck, horse, donkey, insects such as chirps, cocoons, stimulating vegetables such as peppers, herbs, spicy spices such as star anise, mustard seed .

- During the period of measles, eat liquid food, easy to digest and drink plenty of fruit juice. Feeding a lot of spinach, cauliflower, carrot, radish, apple, pear, peach . will provide energy for children, helping them quickly recover.

- When measles occurs, children are more likely to become dehydrated due to vomiting, diarrhea and frequent urination, so they need to be rehydrated by giving them plenty of water, about 6-8 cups of water / day to minimize loss. body water. Do not drink aerated, aerated water.

- Small nose or eye drops for children with physiological saline or special eye drops for about 3, 4 times / day

- If the child is uncomplicated, absolutely do not use antibiotics, should only use B1, vitamin C in high doses. If a child has complications when he has a fever, he should cool down as directed by the doctor and take him to a reputable hospital for monitoring and treatment.

How to prevent measles

- Cover your mouth with a towel or hand when you cough or sneeze.

- Wash hands before eating and before preparing food.

- Vaccinate measles vaccine for children from 9 months of age. This is an active measure to prevent measles.