How to prevent cold for breeding fish and shrimp

In the winter of the north, the temperature is often very low, prolonged cold weather will cause some fish and shrimp varieties to suffer from coldness such as tilapia, white bird, giant freshwater shrimp . mass die. To overcome this situation, we would like to introduce some anti-cold measures for fish and shrimp below.

Anti-cold keeping the breed through the east

To prepare fish and shrimp for winter-spring crop, it is very important to protect the shrimps and fishes through the winter. Right from July to August, freshwater fish farms and shrimps must be carried out to give birth for the last batch. After that, taking the fry into fry and fingerling, the bigger the fish, the better it is to keep it cold in two ways:

  1. Heated fish farms and shrimp hatcheries need to be prepared to clean up the nursery tanks. By the end of January and early December, fry fishing, tilapia breeding, giant freshwater prawn, white pomfret under the pond, put into a thermal capsule to keep shrimp and fish at a temperature of 22 - 25 0 C with thick density. and have oxygen. By the end of February and early March, it is possible to bring fish and shrimps to breed or sell them to shrimp farmers and commercial fish farmers.
  2. In places where there is no condition to raise the temperature, at the end of October, it is necessary to re-select broodstock, then bring it to rearing in a water-retaining pond, with a depth of 1.2 - 1.5m. clean up. For tilapia and white pomfret to actively feed to fatty fish and can fight colds November and December. Use straw baskets to sink to the bottom of the pond where the deepest to get into the cold.

On the surface of the water, it should be kept to the north, besides, nylon can be used to cover the pond surface to prevent coldness for fish and shrimp.

Picture 1 of How to prevent cold for breeding fish and shrimp
Can be used to cover the pond surface nylon to prevent cold for fish, shrimp.

Anti-cold for meat fish

In November and December every year, after harvesting, it is necessary to select all kinds of freshwater prawn, tilapia, white pompano which are not enough to harvest to carry out anti-cold and rearing. Need to select a pond with an area of ​​about 1 sao, depth of 1.2 - 1.5m, airtight, with water source pumped in when the cold weather is cleaned. Bringing selected fish and shrimp into ponds with a density of 2 - 4 individuals / m, continuing to feed with industrial feed, concentrates on warm days to increase fish tolerance. Use a straw basket to drop to the bottom of the pond to allow fish and shrimp to enter the winter. On the pond surface, drop water hyacinth half a pond to the north, if possible, use nylon to cover the pond surface. By the end of February and early March, putting this fish and shrimp into ponds will be very fast.

However, the problem of keeping breeds and anti-cold for this kind of fish and shrimps that are poorly cold is very difficult. Therefore, the implementation of such anti-cold measures will help farmers feel secure in keeping breeds and prepare well for the high-yield crop of the year.