Humans will 'move' to space in 2100

According to a leading expert of the US Space Agency (NASA), people will soon have Earth orbit settlements by the end of the century.

Dr. Al Globus, an expert on spatial settlement at NASA's Ames Research Institute, has many years of working with the Hubble Space Telescope program, International Space Station (ISS), space shuttle and many chapters. other process.

Picture 1 of Humans will 'move' to space in 2100
Dr. Al Globus predicts people will settle on Earth orbit for the next 100 years.

In the past few decades, Dr. Al Globus has been interested in the possibility of settling on space and after that he has organized the annual Space Settlement Contest, which encourages students to design zoning models. inhabiting space for people. He believes people will soon visit cities on Earth orbit as they move from London to New York.

Whether or not the spatial settlement will happen is really difficult to say , 'Dr. Globus said. 'If people decide to do that, we can do it. We have the scientific and financial ability, there is no reason we cannot do it. '

Dr. Globus, who is working with other space scientists like SpaceX Group President, Elon Musk, studies where people can live on Mars in the future, explaining the technology that we know only increases. unless a major disaster like nuclear war happens.

'If there are no major fires in the next few centuries, I would be surprised if we do not have space settlements. We can build space settlements in the next few decades, certainly not a century. ' Mr. Globus asserted.

According to Dr. Globus, a space settlement may be like a town or city on Earth. It has the same purpose as any town, settlement or city on Earth. It will be a place to live, raise children, or have fun with friends and family during the holidays.

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