Illusion video causes netizens to debate: Is the horse moving closer or farther away?

A new video posted on social networks is making netizens roll their eyes - literally - because they don't understand whether the horse in it is approaching the person filming the video or walking away. The video has been viewed 15 million times, with each viewer saying something.

With each incident, people looking at it from different angles will think differently. As for the horse in this video, all viewers do not understand which direction the horse is going.

After being posted, the video was viewed more than 15 million times and received more than 2 million likes. It also caused a lot of people to argue: Some people said the horse was getting closer, some people said the horse was going away.

What's interesting is that most viewers said they kept changing their minds while watching, at one moment they thought the horse was coming closer, at another moment they thought the horse was going in the opposite direction.

(Source: Alesia Willard).

Which direction do you think the horse is going?

Newsweek contacted the horse's owner - Ms. Alesia Willard in British Columbia (Canada) - to get the exact answer. From there, we learned that this horse's name is Rudnik, 5 years old.

Alesia said Rudnik has a beautiful, silky black mane with coats of the same color, and she only noticed how dark her horse's fur was when she watched him run in the snow.

'I looked at it for a while and found it difficult to tell whether it was approaching or going away' - Alesia told Newsweek.

And Alesia confirmed that in the video, Rudnik is walking away in the distance . But she herself said she had to look for a while to realize it. There was even a moment when she thought the horse was walking and then turned back, but it wasn't.

Picture 1 of Illusion video causes netizens to debate: Is the horse moving closer or farther away?
At certain moments, it looks as if the horse is going in both directions. (Photo: Alesia Willard).

If you don't see it right away, that's normal, because this video has fooled the eyes of many people. In fact, some of the most hallucinogenic images feature strong color contrasts between dark black and bright white. And this black horse walking on white snow cleverly creates an image with such natural contrast.