Immediately use this interesting sticker to end up criticizing

If you are complained and alienated by your disability, look for this unique science product.

A lot of people often snore when they are fast asleep, bringing a lot of troubles to those who live in the same house, especially with their bedmates. Not only that, sleep snoring is also a manifestation of intermittent sleep apnea associated with many diseases such as high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease .

In addition, according to many scientific studies in the NCBI medical journal (USA), snoring also means that the body suffers from lack of oxygen because the airway is narrowed so it is not possible to put enough air into the lungs. Therefore, snorers will often feel tired, irritable, physically unable to move, or have headaches, poor concentration and memory loss.

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Snorelax patch is made of 3 layers and made from a safe material that does not cause itching or discomfort during sleep.

Understanding the misery of snoring societies and their bedmates, American medical doctors studied and created a unique snoring patch called Snorelax.

Snorelax is designed in elastic form. Made from safe materials, this product does not cause skin irritation, quick peeling and is easy to peel off even when applied to the beard. Compared to many other anti-snoring products available on the market, the Snorelax patch completely doesn't feel itchy or uncomfortable.

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Snorelax supports jaws so you can breathe better when you sleep in every position.

In addition, this type of patch is made of 3 sturdy layers. The outer layer is made of 100% cotton fabric to create aeration and improve the breathing ability, the middle layer is stretched to fix the position of the jaw and the sticky layer is integrated with nanotechnology to create the most suitable and comfortable stickiness. on the skin.

At night, users just need to peel off the protective pads and stick them on the sides of the cheek part as shown in the picture guide. Two Snorelax patches will fix the function of the user in the ideal position as if you were still awake. Therefore, the oropharynx does not drop, minimizing airway vibrations and from that time, the snoring no longer emits.

In addition, with its small size, users can carry them everywhere, sleep in any position that you feel comfortable without being hindered and costly cleaning or installing anything. . All you need to do is peel it off, paste it and go to sleep. That's so fast and convenent.

With a price of about 35 USD (about 790,000 VND) for 60 pieces, equivalent to 30 nights of use, Snorelax will really consume a lot of users' money every month. However, customers can buy a combo to get a better price and then store it gradually or share it with relatives and friends.
Currently on Kickstarter, there are good deals for customers who buy many Snorelax stickers.