In 40 years the Arctic will run out of ice?

Scientists warn that, with the current warming rate of the Earth, only 30-40 years later, ice will not exist in the summer, even in the center of the Arctic.

Picture 1 of In 40 years the Arctic will run out of ice?

In 2050, people will not be able to see the Arctic ice in the summer?Photo: Internet .

Mr. Alexander Frolov, Director of the Russian Meteorological Center, affirmed: 'In 2050, the summer in the Arctic region will not be able to see the existence of ice anymore'.

Citing data from the UN climate change research team, Frolov said, the Arctic melting ice in 2010 may be able to surpass the record year 2007.

Satellite images show that the smallest area of ​​ice in the Arctic has dropped from 11 million km2 to 10.8 million km 2 . If this melting rate is maintained, 'within 30-40 years, we will not be able to see ice in the summer, including the Arctic center,' Frolov said.

Arctic, Greenland and Antarctic islands account for 98-99% of the Earth's ice. According to scientists, if the entire ice sheet covering Greenland melted, the sea level would rise 7 meters from the present.

Meanwhile, based on the size and distribution status of the current world population, if the sea level rises 1 meter, it will swallow 150 million houses worldwide.

Researchers are still looking for solutions to slow the melting of the Arctic.

Source: THX