In November, Vietnam observed the full half-moon eclipse

In November 2012 there will be a remarkable astronomical phenomenon. That is the appearance of the half-moon eclipse. Vietnam is the country that has the opportunity to fully observe this phenomenon. During the month there are also other interesting astronomical phenomena such as meteor shower, Venus and Saturn visit.

Just look up and watch

The half-moon eclipse will begin at 19h15 and end at 23h51, the maximum at 2133 (Vietnam time) on the evening of November 28.

Moon eclipse is different from the total or partial eclipse in that the Moon does not go deep into the dark shadow of the Earth but only enters the midnight (penumbra). Only when all or part of it enters the umbra is the total or partial eclipse.

Because the Moon does not go deep into the dark shadow of the Earth, the Moon will not be dark and dark red as a full or partial eclipse, which will only turn a little darker and darker than normal. However, this is still a remarkable phenomenon. The reason is because astronomers do not always have the opportunity to observe this phenomenon. The last time Vietnam could observe the half-moon eclipse was December 2010.

Picture 1 of In November, Vietnam observed the full half-moon eclipse

It is worth noting that this phenomenon is not difficult to observe (just needing no rain will definitely see Moon).

Unlike eclipses that can harm the eye if not observed properly, the eclipse is safe so there is no need to prepare anything. Astronomical lovers can look straight to the naked eye during the phenomenon that takes place. Of course, if there are telescopes, binoculars, cameras . will be tools to help observe this phenomenon more clearly.

Venus and Saturn visit each other

On November 27, another remarkable astronomical phenomenon is that Venus and Saturn will meet in the sky. If you notice, astronomers will easily see, this event occurs before the appearance of a half-day eclipse exactly one day. Of course, these two phenomena are not related to each other.

Accordingly, the most beautiful bright spot of the sky (Venus) and the most beautiful planetary system of the Solar System (Saturn) will only be 1 degree apart in the sky. The fact that these two bodies are right next to each other is quite rare so don't miss the opportunity to admire this phenomenon.

Just a little cloudy sky, not so beautiful, can observe 2 light spots because they are the brightest celestial bodies in the night sky. Just looking up at the sky will easily see two light spots next to each other. However, if there are telescopes or consumer binoculars, it will be much nicer.

Also, this November, a phenomenon that is quite familiar during the year is meteor shower. Leonids meteor shower, centered on the constellation Leo (Lion). This meteor shower will reach its peak at dawn on November 17 with about 15 - 20 meteors per hour. Just like the other great meteor showers we mentioned such as Perseids, Orionids, this year's Leonids meteor shower will be easy to see if the weather allows because the Moon will not scare the observer's eyes.