Infant death due to gene disorder?

A group of experts at the University of Bristol, UK, thinks that it may be due to a genetic defect that makes young children stop breathing when they stop breathing their lungs.

Picture 1 of Infant death due to gene disorder? Currently, scientists have yet to find the cause of sudden infant death during sleep. (Photo: VNN) They found brain cells capable of transmitting nerve impulses associated with their ability to yawn but not breathe normally.

They argue that the lack of these cells may lead to some unexplained sudden death in infants, especially while the baby is sleeping.

Bristol science team has collaborated with US experts in the study to find that there are many different types of brain cells needed for children to be able to breathe normally but to have yawning reflexes one type is needed especially called pacemakers.

The researchers found that the cells pacemakers mentioned above depend on a protein that has the ability to form small holes in the cell wall.

When the oxygen rate drops, this hole opens to allow sodium ions to be transferred into the cell and make yawning happen.

If this hole is filled, your yawning ability will disappear. At that time, the baby's heart will stop beating to death.

Therefore, it is possible that a genetic defect related to the presence of this protein in brain cells is the "culprit" of sudden death.

Professor Walter St John, a member of the research team said: "Our conclusions show that yawning reflexes, breathing in an emergency situation, are caused by a mechanism other than the usual breathing mechanism . "

If the child stops breathing normally, the preventive system will activate the yaw reflex. If yawning, the child will be able to receive oxygen for themselves, then the heart will beat and breathe normally.

Infant death is one of the reasons for the highest death of children under one year of age, in the United Kingdom alone in 349 in 2004.

However, the death rate from 1991 to the present has decreased by 75% since there was a public awareness campaign and recommended that parents give babies to sleep on their backs.

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