Infertility: Can come at any time

More than 80 million people, ie 8-12% of couples worldwide, are infertile. Most of them do not pay attention to infertility symptoms until they try to get pregnant. And couples only care about infertility prevention when it's too late.

MSc. Doctor Adriana Cristine Arent, of the PUC University (Pontifícia Universidade Católica) - Brazil, made such a comment on the 7th Vietnamese - French Asian Pacific Conference on Obstetrics and Gynecology on May 17.

Many education campaigns are too focused on contraceptive methods, family planning to help patients avoid unwanted pregnancies, so they neglect the problem of infertility.

Age and infertility

Picture 1 of Infertility: Can come at any time

There is no precise definition of reproductive age in women, but infertility becomes more noticeable in later ages 30. Artwork (Source:

One of the most remarkable reproductive traits in the world, especially in industrialized countries, is the tendency to have children late . The average age of first-time mothers in the United States increased from 21.4 to 25.1 between 1970 and 2002. The first birth rate of women aged 30 and over increased more than 6 times from 1970 to 2002. .

Married and late children are the result of increased participation in women's workforce and convenience in child care. This is even more evident in highly educated women.

Fertility deteriorates after menstrual periods begin to begin, although the cycle of ovulation continues regularly. There is no exact definition of reproductive age in women, but infertility becomes more noticeable at the later age of 30.

In addition, studies on the effects of age in men on semen quality and fertility include: the effect of age increase on semen volume, life and morphology. of sperm, not sperm concentration. Especially at the age of 50 and over, men also have fertility decline, but the results of studies on infertility are highly dependent on the age of the wife.

In men, there is no apparent fertility age, so fertility is related to the age of women more than men.

Infertility due to egg socket cause

The main cause of infertility can be prevented as sexually transmitted infections: green chlamydia, and gonorrhea. These are the two most obvious sexually transmitted infections related to infertility.

It was found that 11% of the women had tubal occlusion after genital tract infection, 23% after 2 infections, 54% after 3 infections. There are many women who are infertile due to egg tubes have more than 1 infection.

Chlamydia infection is the most common sexually transmitted infection worldwide, causing serious medical, social, and economic problems.In parallel with increasing chlamydia infection in recent decades, there is an increase in the prevalence of pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and infertility due to egg tubes.

It is estimated that recent ovarian infertility rates in the West account for 10 - 15% in couples, 37% and 85% in infertile couples in developed and developing countries.

Chlamydia is considered as the leading epidemiological factor, accounting for nearly 40 - 50% of cases of pelvic and ovarian inflammation, 25% of ectopic pregnancies, 50% in ovarian infertility, and 50% in orchitis in men.

When a sexually transmitted disease is diagnosed, treatment must be started immediately, with advice on sexually transmitted infections, the risk of other opportunistic infections, and risk of health. Future reproductive health, and notes for your spouse.

Therefore, information, education and counseling are essential for reproductive health care and are an important part of the reproductive future of women with sexually transmitted diseases.

Prevention of infertility due to the cause of ovary related to genital tract infection can be divided into 2 levels.

Both men and women can prevent primary infection by starting a late sexual activity, choosing a partner without genital infection. And if that happens, condoms should be used to reduce the risk of chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Secondary prevention aims to prevent the progression of external genital tract infection into the body.

The US Preventive Services Task Force (UPSTF) has recommended that all sexually active women aged 25 and under are the most important group in screening for chlamydia.

In women over 25, who have many sexual partners, those who have chlamydia and have a history of sexually transmitted diseases are also the main subjects for screening.

Regular screening in high-risk women will help them reduce the risk of pelvic infection, and if they are pregnant it will improve their health.

Harmful effects of alcohol and tobacco

Picture 2 of Infertility: Can come at any time

Alcohol is also considered one of the causes of infertility.(Source:

Smoking can adversely affect your ability to become pregnant and during pregnancy . Research indicates that smoking harms a woman's ovaries and the extent of harm depends on the amount and time of smoking.

Cigarette smoking promotes egg loss and reproductive function. Probably, menopause comes a few years earlier. Smoking will increase consecutive miscarriage during both the natural cycle and the reproductive support cycle.

The formation of gametes can be hurt by cigarette smoke. Chromosomes that both DNA genes cause damage to germ cells may be the result of exposure to cigarette smoke. Men who smoke will reduce sperm count and increase the rate of dead sperm and abnormal shapes and functions.

Although the impact of cigarette smoke on male fertility is still controversial, the harmful effects of secondhand smoke on women's fertility and the evidence that smoking affects adversely. Sperm count indicates that smoking in men should be considered as a risk factor for infertility.

In addition, women who drink alcohol for at least 6 drinks a day and at least 1 time per week are most likely to suffer from premenopausal disorders such as dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia and premenstrual discomfort. They may also experience hormonal changes after drinking alcohol.

These changes can create inhibition of follicular formation and consequently ovulation and ovulation deficiency. Women who drink more will increase the rate of miscarriage and adversely affect pregnancy.

Alcohol use can cause hypothalamic disorders, including testicular structure changes, testicular dysfunction and decreased serum testosterone levels . Moreover, alcohol and its metabolites inhibit enzyme response for the formation of sex hormones.

Decreasing semen levels and reducing the percentage of normal sperm forms can be found in chronic alcohol and tobacco users.

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