Does cycling make men weak?

Some previous studies have shown that cycling causes infertility and reduces sexual ability in men. New research that has recently taken over 4,000 people recently in the US shows unexpected results.

The research team at the University of California in San Francisco (USA) has studied over 4,000 people who regularly practice a certain sport, including 2,774 cyclists, 539 swimmers and 789 runners.

The cycling team was divided into two groups: high intensity (average 25 miles / day or more and maintained over 2 years), low intensity.

Picture 1 of Does cycling make men weak?
You can eliminate the pressure that sitting on the saddle affects fertility. (Photo: DAILY MAIL.)

The level of group swimming and jogging is considered similar to the low-intensity cycling group.

Athletes are evaluated for their sexual, reproductive and urinary abilities. The results showed that there was no reduction in "male ability ", often with urinary problems as the preliminary studies had previously suspected. Remarkably, in the high-intensity cycling group, it was discovered that these gentlemen had better erections than before they started the exercise regime.

Scientists also recommend not lowering the steering wheel lower than the seat because this will cause the driver to feel pain and numb some positions on the body.

This study seems to directly counteract another 2012 study by "brother" - University of California in Los Angeles, arguing that cycling is a sport that causes hormonal imbalance, affecting ability. reproduction; or another previous study suggested that prolonged pressure on the genitals due to sitting still will cause injury, affecting fertility.

This new study is believed to be more reliable because the previous two studies were very small compared to the number of 4,000 people surveyed this time.