Intelligence stimulation game in children

One of the activities that helps children develop intelligence, is equally important as a good diet, especially in poor countries, is a game. This is recommended by researcher Sally McGregor of the Institute of Pediatric Health at the University of London (UK) in a report published in The Lancet.

Picture 1 of Intelligence stimulation game in children 200 million children worldwide are malnourished and not stimulated by intelligence. According to Mrs. McGregor, poor nutritional status has been a major problem. The situation of malnourished children and not being stimulated by intelligence is an even more important issue.

Mrs. McGegor mentioned about a poor child nutrition test in Bangladesh. The researchers noted that a game program allowed to increase their IQ (up to 9 points)!

Ms. McGregor gave an example in Jamaica: the villagers here were mobilized to go to every house with children to give toys they had made and teach mothers to play with their children. 'We followed the children until they were 18 years old. Their IQ has increased markedly, their reading ability has improved, children have less schooling and better mental health because they are no longer suffering from depression and anxiety , 'explained Ms. McGregor.

Researchers concluded that playing in a more systematic way with children not only stimulates intelligence but also dramatically changes their xinxing.