Intelligent plants know CO2 emissions

A unique technology product called Sprout will help us to raise awareness of the environment as our planet is heating up.

Although we are increasingly hearing green slogans for the environment, there is the fact that our earth is getting warmer and the environment is so bad that it goes through each and every one of us. second, every minute drift. Get a sense of this, a designer has created a unique technology product as a small contribution to reinventing global warming. The key motivator for creating this product is the desire for people to be more concerned about their surroundings by showing them the carbon footprint. (CO 2 ) is absorbed by plants during photosynthesis.

Picture 1 of Intelligent plants know CO2 emissions

Carbon emissions are gradually destroying ecological activities and the process is slowly coming to an end. From idea to realization of things not seen it and wishes towards a green environment, product named Sprout was created with the ability to check the CO 2 emissions that trees absorb daily.

Picture 2 of Intelligent plants know CO2 emissions
Sprout measuring CO2 that trees absorb daily

Sprout is shaped like a new sprout and is equipped with a small screen but large enough to display the necessary information. Moreover, the screen can be customized to suit the ground, making it easier to use. Attach the main body is a circle to tie around the trunk helps measure the amount of CO2 absorbed.

Picture 3 of Intelligent plants know CO2 emissions

Picture 4 of Intelligent plants know CO2 emissions
The display can be customized to suit the height

Although this product is designed quite simple, but will be a great contribution to raising awareness of keeping the environment green, clean and beautiful in each person.