Intelligent vehicles for people with disabilities

Scientists at the Aachen University of Technology in Germany have successfully built a high-tech wheelchair that makes it easy for people with severe disabilities to move and even control household items. The specialists fitted in front of the car a special camera, straight into the sitting person.

The camera can capture up to 40 shots per second, connected to an integrated computer with identification software, which can analyze any facial muscle changes and thereby translate into commands consistent with the sitting person's response. on the car. However, in order for the software to be identifiable, changes to the face of the driver must first be made by computer technicians, so that the occupants of the vehicle can easily command. car, forward, right or left.

This smart wheelchair can also recognize changes in the faces of different patients, such as people who can only eyelid or frown.

Picture 1 of Intelligent vehicles for people with disabilities
Intelligent Wheelchair Model (Photo: DW)