Interesting facts about the ancient Romans

When it comes to ancient Rome, the first images that come to mind of many people may be warriors wearing mighty armor or beautiful goddess-like ladies. In addition, the wonders such as the Colosseum, the Pantheon with a culture that is a long history are imprinted on the minds of many people.

However, besides the auras of the Roman Empire, there were special customs of the people living in this era that are less mentioned in books or movies.

1. Men are forbidden to wear pants

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Although today pants are one of the indispensable things in many people's wardrobe, for the ancient Romans, wearing trousers was only for the lowly. And civilized men often wear clothes such as traditional shorts and tunics.

In it, the emperors Honorius and Arcadius of the Western and Eastern Roman Empire even banned trousers from appearing at the end of the 4th century. The ban reads: "In this venerable City, no one is allowed boots or trousers are allowed".

2. Gladiator sweat is sold outside the Colosseum

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It sounds a bit odd but this is actually a souvenir sold outside the Colosseum. After winning the fights, the gladiators would become famous among the lower classes and loved by many women. Sometimes, these women even mix gladiator sweat with their cosmetics.

It is known that one has to use a metal blade called strigil to collect sweat from the fighters' skin and store it in jars sold outside the arena.

3. Wash clothes with urine

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Ammonia was one of the most famous substances for cleaning in ancient Rome. This compound can be found in urine. So it's no surprise that the ancient Romans used it and water to clean clothes.

Normally, it is common to see urine containers placed on the street, after these are filled, it is taken to specialized stores for normal or dry cleaning.

4. Thick eyebrows are a trait that women appreciate very much

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Many people credit the artist Frida Kahlo for making the unibrow eyebrow movement (depicting eyebrows so thick they almost stick together) so popular. However, this eyebrow style was extremely popular in ancient Rome.

It is known that thick hair is considered a desirable feature of women as it is said that only the smartest and sexiest women possess it. For those who don't have unibrown, they will use black paint to make their eyebrows look fuller and blacker.

5. "Kidnapping" the bride to get married

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Most Roman weddings were held in June in honor of Juno, the goddess of fertility and marriage. Accordingly, the wedding of this period had a very special tradition where the groom had to pretend to snatch the bride from her mother's arms so that the guardian gods of the family believed that the bride did not leave voluntarily. surname.

Then, to receive everyone's blessing at the wedding, the groom will break a piece of bread and place it on the bride's head. When the couple enters the groom's house together, the two are considered married and become husband and wife.