Interesting open fish species 'grab service' like humans

Recently, a network user Reddit shared an interesting picture of the "motorcycle taxi" service in the animal world, the image of goldfish piggybacking shared, similar to the human grab service.

The image of the goldfish carrying the shared swimming frog, in which a frog clung to the goldfish swimming in the water and constantly urged the goldfish to swim away.

Picture 1 of Interesting open fish species 'grab service' like humans
Goldfish piggyback on frogs.

Because for the first time seeing this strange frog fish scene, the photographer said, "The first time I saw a frog ride on a fish!"

According to the user, the frog clung to the goldfish's back with its front paws and pinned the goldfish with its hind legs. Admittedly, it is very clever and sure to "hitch".

Many people speculate that perhaps the frog wants to mate but has found the wrong object. If just for not wanting to swim, wanting to go with goldfish, sticking like that is too tight.

However, this argument was quickly rejected because goldfish had a different color and appearance than frogs, which were much larger in size, so the possibility of mistaking the mate was too small.

Not long ago, British photographer - Le May - accidentally recorded an impressive moment, when a "hitch" squirrel on the back of a European-like green woodpecker.

Picture 2 of Interesting open fish species 'grab service' like humans
Squirrel "thanks to" woodpecker.