Interesting things about human laughter

New research published March 31 by American scientists has discovered many interesting things about people's laughing action.

For decades, neuroscience professor Robert Provine of the University of Baltimore studied laughter.

He stressed that laughing is the first human communication action and not a voluntary act even though people laugh at a certain point in the conversation.

Picture 1 of Interesting things about human laughter

Research shows that only 10-15% of laughing action is the result of other people's laughter.

Research also confirms that human laughter is mostly derived from social response rather than reacting to other people's laughter. The need for laughter comes from other people, not those of laughter.

The fact that deaf people laugh without hearing laughter, phone listeners laugh without seeing their partners showing that people's laughing action is not dependent on a single sense but on social interaction.

The study also said that all peoples in the world share a laugh sound is 'ha ha ha.' In the brain there is a steering part that emits this common laughter sound.

Batak Green University Professor Jaak Panksepp and other scientists study the laughing behavior of other animals such as dogs, mice . concluded that there is no evidence that laughing is a dose. Good medicine as well as not finding direct health benefits from merely laughing action.

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