Internet causes 'tempt' people

Scientists believe that the unlimited amount of information from the Internet makes it difficult for people to leave the computer screen.

Most people feel an intense attraction from the Internet, making it difficult for them to get out. People often spend hours in a row to watch videos, go to search sites like google to find information, or chat without being aware of the passage of time.

The reason why the Internet is attractive is due to the infinity of news , said Tom Stafford, a scientist at the University of Sheffield, England.

People can start searching for something and visit Wikipedia (Internet encyclopedia), then "stumble" on other information and get lost on a completely new and unrelated topic. related to the original content. This process goes on and there is no stop.

Picture 1 of Internet causes 'tempt' people

Accessing information continuously for a long time makes human 'willpower' exhausted and loss of autonomy, making it difficult for that person to turn off the computer screen. "You can hardly escape the temptation of computer screens ," Stafford said.

Another reason why the Internet attracts many people is proposed by the scientific world, due to the temporary attraction of interesting information.

People are a social creature, so people like to update social information via the Internet. The Internet is structured like a casino slot machine, sometimes you can win a lottery. Likewise, information on the internet occasionally gives people a feeling of contentment, excitement, making people begin to tend to search this time over and over again.

However, scientists say Internet access can cause health problems.

Linda Stone, a researcher on psychological effects from Internet use, found that 80% of people stopped breathing temporarily or shallow breathing when they checked email or looked at the screen. She called this phenomenon 'email suffocation' . Websites often have information that requires a visitor's response or action, such as when checking email, so people try to predict and hold their breath while looking at the screen.

"Breathing is the preparation mechanism to face potential or unexpected dangers, continuous operation of this mechanism will cause negative health effects , " said Linda Stone.