What is the first message broadcast on the Internet?

Currently, the Internet has become an important communication tool for humankind. Every day, we send out billions of messages via social networks or email. However, very few people know what content the first message sent by the Internet has. Let's find out with us.

How many of us know the first message that appears on the Internet?

The predecessor of the Internet today is the ARPANET network . ARPA research development project management agency of the US Department of Defense linked the first four locations in July 1969 including: Stanford Research Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, University of Utah and University of California , Santa Barbara. It was the first Wide Area Network (WAN) built.

According to a file called IMP Log of the University of California (ULCA), at 22:30 on October 29, 1969, Professor Leonard Kleinrock with his students, programming expert Charley Kline, did the transmission. download an experimental message via ARPANET from SDS Sigma 7 server located at ULCA to SDS 940 server at SRI Research Institute.

Picture 1 of What is the first message broadcast on the Internet?
Snapshot of the profile of IMP Log.

The prototype message is a simple word " login " - meaning login. However, after transmitting the signals of "L" and "O" letters, SDS Sigma 7 suddenly turns off due to power failure, so SDS 940 only receives " LO" signal . This is the first message that humanity transmits on the Internet, though after returning power, Leonard Kleinrock and Charley Kline still send enough " login" messages as they wish.

Picture 2 of What is the first message broadcast on the Internet?
The log records the process of sending ARPANET results on October 29, 1969.

From a 2-letter signal, we had an important milestone in the history of Internet development of the world. Even later, Leonard Kleinrock was happy that he did not think the two letters could change so many things.