Ironman sets help the inventor set a world record

The fastest flying record in the world with a jet engine kit belongs to an inventor nicknamed "Iron Man in Real Life."

British inventor Richard Browning broke the world's fastest record with a body-controlled jet engine, according to the Long Room. In his own suit, Browning hit a speed of 51.5 km / h and set a new record.

Richard Browning set a world record. (Video: YouTube).

The outfit is upright and controlled by hand movement, and the display inside the helmet provides up-to-date information on fuel consumption.

Browning performs a Guinness World Record performance at Lagoona Park in Reading, Berkshire, England, on 7 November with a target that is well ahead of the previous record of 48km / h. He slowly floated up and floated two meters above the ground.

Browning's first two attempts failed because he did not have enough momentum. But in the final try, he accelerated successfully before missing a bend and landing on the lake.

"I am very happy that we set a record, and I think we can continue to break that record." The actual outfit can reach speeds of hundreds of kilometers per hour, but the difficulty lies in the speeding up. Safely and fly in a straight line, " Browning said.

Picture 1 of Ironman sets help the inventor set a world record
His intention was to design a flight suit that would allow people to take off from the beach.

Dubbed "The Real Ironman , " Browning has long been interested in being able to fly with a jet engine and develop a flying suit for three years before announcing a design for the month. 4.

The inventor revealed that he received the attention of many investors and even from the British Army. However, he said that the suit was not ready for popular use in the near future. His intention was to design a flight suit that would allow people to take off from the beach, fly along the coast or dive down from the helicopter to continue the journey.