Security software is designed to protect users from the dangers of adware (spyware), spyware, worms and viruses . but they also have devices The default setting does not allow users to access legitimate, useful online information.
Most security software and antispyware software have a problem: While these programs protect the user's system, some of the news portals contain cookies. Unreachable. These portals profit from advertising by using cookies from third parties. Therefore, users cannot get useful information from these portals, they are "locked in" in the world of security software.
A Yankee Group security analyst said: "This is because security software identifies and removes cookies, so it is possible that" gentle "cookies are considered as It's too difficult to distinguish useful cookies and malicious cookies, so completely removing cookies is always the method used by security programs. "
What is a cookie? Why use Cookie?
Regardless of where you surf the vast space of the Internet, most Web sites almost always set cookies on users' computers. So, what is cookies? Why do Web sites like to use cookies?
In fact, cookies are just a small packet of information that is usually stored in a text file that Web pages store on the user's computer. Cookies store some information to identify you or your computer with the server. Whenever you visit the Web site, these cookies "notify" the signal to the server that you have visited this Web site.
Therefore, cookies do not really harm computers. Not only does it not harm, but cookie is also quite convenient like storing passwords and loading necessary information. Although, in some cases, cookies will threaten the possibility of losing personal information, revealing passwords .
"Wall" cannot pass
A good example is Symantec's anti-spyware software update, which blocks access to online information sites because it limits cookies from advertising companies. Similarly, PC Tools, a fairly popular antispyware program, has blocked almost all online sites by these cookies. These errors mostly occur with PCs and laptops using McAfee Internet Security, Microsoft AntiSpyware, Symantec Internet Security, and ZoneLabs Internet Security.
Normally, users after purchasing and installing these security programs do not care about the default settings. The default settings are fully editable to access some Web sites that contain advertising cookies. In most cases, these cookies do not really pose any danger to users. However, some security software is very "difficult", not to change these settings. This has affected millions of users.
Most programs that block spyware work to block high-level cookies, and very few software have effective cookie filtering. Typical is Lavasoft's Ad-Aware SE Personal spyware removal program. In addition to the ability to remove spyware and adware hidden on the hard drive, the software also has the option to search, use and delete suspicious cookies.
Unlike Ad-Aware, spyware removal programs, other anti-virus programs often remove all cookies as well as possible adware and spyware.
Feedback from experts and software vendors
In contrast, some other security experts claim that completely eliminating cookies is not too bad. Forrester Research security expert Natalie Lambert said security software removes all cookies as the best way to protect customers.
Lambert admits that it is possible that Symantec and other vendors' security software blocks access to legitimate news sites. But if this really happens, most customers will complain to product vendors about it: "I acknowledge that customers won't benefit from anti-spyware software blocking. Legitimate Web sites, but we need to rely on security software providers, who always protect their computer systems in the safest way. may be blocked and cookies will be deleted in order to maximize the impact on users' computers. "
According to Richard Stiennon, deputy research director of Webroot Software, a well-known anti-spy software company, he fully agrees with Lambert's opinion. He thinks that deleting cookies and blocking Web sites is entirely caused by Web site providers.
He also denied the theory that antispyware software and anti-virus software had some changes and updates to block legitimate Web sites, with up to 99% of software manufacturers Use a method to identify and hunt for spyware and adware.
Whose error belongs?
James Whittaker, a computer science professor at Florida Institute of Technology, said: "Security software providers are like veterinarians. They have to try to cover the bleeding wounds on them. But what they need here is not a solution but a practical way, so are software vendors, they have to create a way to fix their software errors. . "
Professor Whittaker also argued that security software bugs are also part of the problem. These software are not really powerful and reliable. Hackers can still penetrate from the vulnerabilities of these software. These security software need to quickly patch all the vulnerabilities.
Part of the cause of the error is the method of designing software. With more than 100 000 viruses, worms, spyware, adware . security software cannot control it well.
Masked enemies: Browsers
One reason that computers are vulnerable to attack and widespread penetration of worms and viruses is due to vulnerabilities in the browser. Most spyware and viruses enter the computer via a Web browser. According to Symantec's report, about 70% to 80% infected via the browser using ActiveX. ActiveX controls allow you to download and install plug-in add-ons simply and quickly, but that's also IE's biggest weakness in security.
While the issues are controversial around security software, the best way to protect yourself. If using IE as the default browser, read the article Tips to make Internet Explorer more secure to be more secure. If you're really "boring" with IE, switch to using Firefox or Opera, which is also worth considering.
However, no browser is perfect and absolutely safe. A good way to protect yourself is to switch to a non-administrator account in the Windows XP operating system, which is a good way to limit the risk of surfing the Web.
Minh Phuc