It is possible to detect planets like Pandora in Avatar

Observing their planets and moons, can help people find new settlements like Pandora in the blockbuster Avatar recently released.

In the movie Avatar, people visited a habitable planet and settled on Moon Pandora. A life-like planet like Pandora or the Star War forest in Endor are all science fiction products.

However, according to astronomers, it is possible to find settling moons.

Picture 1 of It is possible to detect planets like Pandora in Avatar

Pandora's planet in the blockbuster Avatar can exist in reality.

Dr. Lisa Kaltenegger, Cornell University, USA, works at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, saying: 'If Pandora exists, we can explore and study its atmosphere in the next decade.' .

Her assertion based on the NASA event will put the James Webb space telescope into operation in 2014. This is a space-like space glass similar to Hubble, but allows scientists to study planetary atmospheres and detect Life-friendly gases such as carbon dioxide, oxygen, and steam.

Based on James Webb scientists will better observe the moons orbiting gas planets (like Jupiter, Saturn or Uranus and Neptune in the solar system).

Many moons of the planets, confirmed to have the same rock core as Earth, thus, humans can walk and build houses on it. However, whether or not the atmosphere exists, the composition of the atmosphere can help people live normally or not, scientists have not given convincing evidence. James Webb telescope will help them do that.

James Webb's search method is like the Kepler Telescope located at NASA's space station, searching for planets that move through host bodies. Movement will be detected when the host object is obscured and dimmed for a moment.

However, Kepler is located on Earth and James Webb operates outside of the Earth's atmosphere, so it will work more efficiently. Photographs from James Webb, which can be used to analyze the star's light, or planet planets, are caught by the moon's atmosphere. Based on spectrum analysis, they can also make predictions about the gas composition in them.