It is unexpected that the games we played when we were kids were 500 years old

Pieter Bruegel the Elder was an extremely talented painter in the 16th century. The Dutch artist left a lot of valuable artworks to mankind, and one of them was the painting "Children's Games". - Children's game in 1560.

The picture is judged by experts as a masterpiece of the Flemish Renaissance school (Netherlands). The picture has up to 200 children, from children who have just crawled to new giants, showing more than 100 familiar folk games at that time. Games may not have names, but almost every child has experienced them.

Picture 1 of It is unexpected that the games we played when we were kids were 500 years old
Can you see the games in this picture?

Of course, many games have been eroded over time, but most are still very popular today. And to discover this picture, you may have to spend hours. But the Bright side page shortened it by dividing the picture into 15 parts, showing the 15 most popular folk games.

Picture 2 of It is unexpected that the games we played when we were kids were 500 years old
How many of these things do you know?

1. "She dragged her uncle"

Picture 3 of It is unexpected that the games we played when we were kids were 500 years old
This game is definitely familiar to the 8x generation, right?

When you were a child, if you never tried to play the bride and groom, you really have a peaceful childhood. And in fact, even without a specific timeline, at least we know that this game has existed before the 16th century.

2. Horse riding fence

Picture 4 of It is unexpected that the games we played when we were kids were 500 years old

Children of the city often change fences with stair bars, but in general, horse-riding fake games are no different from this time of making this picture.

3. Pull on the horse's back

Picture 5 of It is unexpected that the games we played when we were kids were 500 years old

The third piece depicts a fairly popular foreign game: pulling on horseback. The thing is, the horse here is a fake.

2 "knights" will climb on horseback, put their hands in the same piece of rope and then pull and pull to see who falls first.

4. Jumping sheep

Picture 6 of It is unexpected that the games we played when we were kids were 500 years old

This game is classic right? The gameplay is simple: one person bends down to make sheep, the other jumps. Each jump will increase by a high level, and if it does not pass, change the session.

5. "Who do I choose"

Picture 7 of It is unexpected that the games we played when we were kids were 500 years old
This picture has 3 cheats.

This picture has 3 cheats. In the left corner, the girls are twirling their flared skirts. Top right corner: 2 boys are playing handball.

And finally in the lower right corner is the game " I choose who" - she is choosing a fake "child" under her blanket. Of course, choosing the right person must correctly guess the person's name, otherwise it will lose.

6. Temporarily call it "Rounding"

Picture 8 of It is unexpected that the games we played when we were kids were 500 years old

In the front is the round-robin game - see who can hit the furthest round. And behind a screaming girl in a wooden box. This game has no name, just a way to satisfy the curiosity of children.

7. Throw hats over 2 legs

Picture 9 of It is unexpected that the games we played when we were kids were 500 years old
This game doesn't seem to be popular in Vietnam.

This game doesn't seem to be popular in Vietnam. But in rural areas abroad it is quite common.
To play, a person will form his or her feet, and the next two will stick their hands over their legs and throw their hats. The hat is farther away, he wins.

8. Chasing

Picture 10 of It is unexpected that the games we played when we were kids were 500 years old

9. Dragon snake to the cloud

Picture 11 of It is unexpected that the games we played when we were kids were 500 years old

Not really, but also a different version of this game.

"Dragon snakes up in the clouds, there are dice trees, there are obvious houses, doctors have houses or not" - this verse is sure many people still remember it?

10. Riding wooden crates

Picture 12 of It is unexpected that the games we played when we were kids were 500 years old

See who is the longest person on this box.

11. "Horseback riding"

Picture 13 of It is unexpected that the games we played when we were kids were 500 years old

On the left, the boy is playing horse riding. And on the right is the program of "flute" of childhood.

12. Blindfolded catch goats

Picture 14 of It is unexpected that the games we played when we were kids were 500 years old

13. Fake as a knight

Picture 15 of It is unexpected that the games we played when we were kids were 500 years old

Like the fake battle of Vietnam.

14. General game

Picture 16 of It is unexpected that the games we played when we were kids were 500 years old

Left corner: contestants see who can carry each other longer.

Right corner: exam who holds the column longer.

Above: balancing wooden sticks with one finger.

15. "Watch the wind fly in the afternoon"

Picture 17 of It is unexpected that the games we played when we were kids were 500 years old

A mischief of children. Just tie a strip of silk or paper into the tip of the stick, we have a game like gymnastics today.