Every Mid-Autumn Festival, probably many people will be reminiscent of childhood with unforgettable games ...

If you go back about 20 years ago, many young people today will really feel surprised by how you, or even ... your father used to entertain.

To discover this picture, you may have to spend hours. But the Bright side page shortened it by dividing the picture into 15 parts, showing the 15 most popular folk games.

Oi jail is a folk game that is preferred by most ages and is present in many countries around the world.

Tug-of-war is a very ancient ritual of both East and Southeast Asia, each with its own way of performing, but the common spirit is the desire for prosperity, growth and

Hoi Giong is a traditional festival of remembrance and praise of the victory of the hero Saint Giong, one of the four immortals of Vietnamese folk beliefs. The festival vividly