Looking at the scale and quality of games over time, one thing is for sure, although not every game released later is guaranteed to be good, but the cost to develop and promote
Since appearing on July 6, 2016, Pokemon GO has quickly created a global fever.
To discover this picture, you may have to spend hours. But the Bright side page shortened it by dividing the picture into 15 parts, showing the 15 most popular folk games.
If those games
Most video games help children improve their creativity and collaborative spirit, according to a European Union (EU) report.
Strategy games can help the elderly to improve their memory, reasoning and other thinking skills.
Excessive game play can cause some changes in the brain, causing behavioral problems and concentration.
The inventors of Brain Plasticity with the awareness game, have started negotiations with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to enter the gaming market as a treatment drug.
A small study by McMaster University scientists showed that video games can make drug therapy more effective for younger patients.
Gamers are helping researchers answer long-standing secrets in science, thereby opening new directions in the field of genetics.