The human brain changes if addicted to the game

Excessive game play can cause some changes in the brain, causing behavioral problems and concentration.

Picture 1 of The human brain changes if addicted to the game
Video games can temporarily or permanently paralyze nerve connections in the brain.

Telegraph reported that Baroness Greenfield, a former director of the Royal Institution, said that technologies that strongly impact human senses such as video games could temporarily or permanently paralyze neural connections. in the brain. When neural connections are disabled, the level of human attention decreases and behavioral problems appear.

'The human brain evolves to adapt to the environment. So it changes according to the environment around us. If you play games so much that you forget everything else, a new environment will appear around you and bring new impacts, ' said Greenfield.

Greenfield urges children to spend time on outdoor activities such as climbing trees, playing on the grass, sunbathing. She warned that playing too much could reduce children's ability to concentrate their thoughts, while increasing careless behaviors.

Many previous studies have shown that excessive gaming or web surfing can alter the structure of the innermost part of the brain and even reduce the amount of gray matter. A work by Japanese scientists proves that video games only stimulate some areas of the brain that relate to sight and movement, but harm brain regions that handle behavior, emotions and learning.

However, many psychologists claim that some electronic games can help reduce depression, increase intelligence and memorization.