IT trends in 2007

In these days, when people are waiting for the official date of Vista 2007, it's easy to see in many places, in newspapers, the web, e-mail . predictions of information technology trends. in the new year 2007. From these predictions and what we surmise, let's "unearth" IT stories 2007.

Picture 1 of IT trends in 2007 Vista

Loudly promoting, Microsoft took up most of the titles right in the beginning of the new year when it launched Windows Vista operating system for general users, according to the plan for the end of January and postponed. Next, the titles of the articles are hot topics surrounding it, IT administrators have to work harder, upgrade the entire network, and then go to security, and obviously There is no shortage of fixes after Vista appears.

Content kings

According to Leonard Fuld, analyst at Fuld & Associates (Boston, USA), the next technology story and trend in 2007 will be 'the world of information and its way of formation'. Still the old way, we still have to rely heavily on Google to get information. Google has just got YouTube but this tool is like an iceberg, there are still many unknowns. Google will take money from other content providers through advertising revenue. A new character this year is News, which provides content, collaborating with many long-standing media companies, but these old companies are increasingly competing with Internet content providers, yet tell the blog community and specialized content providers.

In parallel with the above flows, the 'broadcast' TV on the Internet platform will 'flutter' this year. You heard about Internet TV a few years ago, but 2007 will be it.

Heaven's hackers

Malicious software, spyware, viruses, and worms will continue to be the main causes of headaches for businesses, state agencies and those who love technology. McAfee is one of the security companies predicting hackers are targeting MP3 files and there is no reason to eliminate this possibility. They can also 'set bombs' on links because the 'pilgrims on the web' do not consider a risk when clicking on that multimedia link.

There are also a number of global threats related to terrorist organizations, not excluding al-Qaeda. But those threats are unfounded and we worry about other worries.

Spam, spam, spam

It will get worse and it will be better. Being able to speak strongly about resolving spam is better because Internet service providers (ISPs) will ask users to protect their computers themselves, and which ISPs will cancel user accounts. Their computers are victims of spam. In addition, the junk mailers will have to take legal responsibility, not "stubborn" as before.

Who is better?

Apple will continue to dominate the market of personal entertainment devices. You may know this, but in 2007 this will be a dramatic story. Microsoft's Zune is not enough to attract users. Some analysts believe that Zune will occupy a corner of Apple's market share, but Zune is still limited and because the iPod has imprinted on the road of entertainment, even if the iPod user is not Access to iTunes music store.

Heaven Wi-Fi

Not just big cities, even in small cities, tourists will be embraced by Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi will continue to expand. There is no denying that there are still many places where Wi-Fi is not available, but it is clear that Wi-Fi is getting wider.

Taking advantage of this advantage, a new connection ladder will make hardware manufacturers offer more smaller devices with keyboards available. Mobile people will have specialized mobile devices to connect to Wi-Fi, such as Black Berry from Research In Motion.

Open source continues to dominate

The number of people using computers is increasing. Administrative staff will gradually switch to using Linux and open source applications, replacing Vista. Microsoft will continue to compete with open software makers. Red Hat still survives its competitors. The voice of the open source community still has weight and open source software is becoming more and more popular. This community has the advantage that they do not have to deal with legal and inheritance issues.

Web 3.0 and beyond

We are listening somewhere to talk about Web 3.0 generation. It is clear that experts are currently going through Web 2.5 milestones, even Web 2.0 has previously been very popular. One thing is for sure, the Web is everywhere. Working collaboratively, searching online, blogs, small utilities (mashups), user-friendly applications will become much more popular in 2007. By now, the definition is accurate. What is the Web is still controversial. Web 2.0, 3.0 will continue to "advance" in this new year and many years to come.

Franchise, trade

In addition to integrating digital content providers, we also see a lot of integration of the information technology market. Oracle will continue to be the most popular carrier. And Microsoft always buys companies with unique technology. This year may also be acquired by Gateway. Markets offering media by the end of 2007 will have fewer participants because companies try to stay competitive, offer VOIP, wireless, Internet and other services in a single product package. Best.

An expert predicts that the next wave of competition will become the hottest since the mid-90s. Separate devices such as mobile phones, fixed phones, and TVs will work together. For example, when the phone rings, you will see the caller's name on the TV screen and answer the call right on the TV or on the computer, or on the phone because all devices use a network. This year will be the turning point for all these technologies.