Japan: Snow storms cause hundreds of flights to be canceled

The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) today said heavy snowfall in the country has hindered traffic in many provinces, including Tokyo.

According to the JMA's warning, snowstorms may soon appear in Fukushima Prefecture and heavy snowfall will occur in five provinces including Yamagata, Miyagi, Nagano, Yamanashi and Kanagawa. In addition, heavy snowfall can occur in 10 other provinces in Eastern and Central Japan.

Picture 1 of Japan: Snow storms cause hundreds of flights to be canceled
Snow-covered white snow in Tokyo on January 14

JMA said that in northern Japan alone, due to snowstorms that lasted until January 14 night, the amount of snow could reach 20-30cm in the northern mountainous region, and in the snowy Tokyo capital about 10cm thick.

The unfavorable weather caused nearly 400 flights to and from Haneda Airport in Tokyo to be canceled, the Sendai airport runways were also covered by snow, while the main rail lines had to stop operating to ensure security. all.

In China, the Zhanjiang city government, Guangdong province, announced on January 14 that it had controlled the leakage of crude oil into a river in the city, limiting the risk of clean water pollution.

An estimated 10 tons of crude oil was leaked from an oil pipeline in Ma Chuong District to a nearby river, only 350m from the reserve water tank. The Zhanjiang city government gave a valve to the oil pipeline and asked to evacuate more than 8,000 people living around the oil leak area. So far, the local authorities have not found signs of crude oil in the reservoirs, indicating that clean water in Zhanjiang City has not been contaminated.