Jesus Christ appeared in the image of a baby girl soon to be born

In the ultrasound image, the crown-dressed man, like Jesus, turned his head to watch the baby girl prepare to be born.

Zac Smith and his fiancée Alicia Zeek prepare to welcome Briella's daughter. Before birth, the couple went to an ultrasound to check on the fetal condition and were extremely surprised when viewing the photo.

Picture 1 of Jesus Christ appeared in the image of a baby girl soon to be born
Jesus in the fetal ultrasound picture.(Photo: Fox5).

"I blinked many times to make sure I didn't look wrong," Alicia said excitedly. In the ultrasound picture of the baby in her mother's womb, a man in a crown coat is looking at Briella; looks like Jesus.

Although not too devout, the "presence" of Jesus made Zac and Alicia emotionally unable to hold back their tears. Before Briella, Alicia had two children but all met with deformities. Her first daughter had an extra finger and her son had a cleft palate and made her almost lost her life at birth.

Looking at the ultrasound photo with Jesus , both Zac and Alicia are relieved. The doctor also informed the parents that baby Briella "was very happy and healthy".

Sharing on social networks, couples believe that this is a sign from God."I will see this as my blessing," Zac said happily.