King Tutankhamun died of a blood disorder

German scientists believe that the legendary Pharaoh Tutankhamun is likely to die due to hereditary anemia and they excluded the previous hypothesis that the Egyptian king died of malaria.

Picture 1 of King Tutankhamun died of a blood disorder Scientists at the Bernhard Nocht Institute of Tropical Medicine in Hamburg, northern Germany, questioned the conclusions of a major Egyptian study published in February on the cause of his death. this young king.

The study, which included DNA tests and CT scans on Tutankhamun's mummy, claimed the king died of malaria after a fall and excluded the theory that he was killed.

However, German scientists stated on The Journal of the American Medical Association website that a closer study of Tutankhamun's leg bones found that he had anemia, in which red blood cells were deformation.

Tutankhamun died at the age of 19, after 10 years he reigned Egypt from 1333 to 1324 BC. Scientists have hypothesized many about his death.