The construction of ancient Egyptian temples began with a groundbreaking ritual like modern humans.

An archaeological group of the Russian Institute of Research has discovered the ruins of the walls of the city that once protected Memphis, the capital of Egypt during the Ancient

The group of scientists yesterday uncovered the secret of the cause of the death of Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses Third.

When Tutankhamen died, his grave was filled with precious objects, including two folding chairs, an ivory made of ivory ebony. These sophisticated chairs were used in Egypt more

Swiss archaeologists have discovered the tomb of a singer 3,000 years ago in the valley of Egyptian kings, Egyptian ancient minister Mohammed Ibrahim said on January 15.

Archaeologists discovered the fragments of an ancient pharaoh and god statue in the ruins of Egypt's largest temple.

CNN on October 2 reported that Egyptian archaeologists have unearthed a part of King Amenhotep III.

The most recent researchers have claimed that the ancient Egyptian Queen, who has been described by eternal beauty for thousands of years, is not really the most beautiful woman in

German scientists said that the most likely legendary pharaoh Tutankhamun died of hereditary anemia ...

Archaeologists have discovered silver coins with the image of the ancient Pharaoh Ptolemy III at an oasis south of the capital Cairo (Egypt).