Kissing can also spread HPV sex disease
Under certain conditions, kissing can facilitate the transmission of HPV-causing bacteria.
We already know that sexually transmitted infections are common only during sexual intercourse, but the Healthline site says: kissing also has this ability, under certain circumstances. Although no studies have shown an association between kissing and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection , some scientists have suggested that deep kissing can facilitate transmission.
The mechanism of HPV infection through kissing
Many studies have confirmed that oral sex (including oral exposure to the genitals) can spread HPV. According to the Healthline, many studies show that performing oral sex can increase a person's chances of getting HPV.
However, in these studies, it is difficult to distinguish kissing lips from other intimate behaviors. This makes it difficult for scientists to differentiate and come to a conclusion: it is not known whether HPV is transmitted by kissing, or transmitted from oral relationships.
Performing oral sex can increase a person's chances of getting HPV.(Illustration).
HPV is transmitted through close skin contact so it is possible that the virus has moved from the genitals to the mouth, and from the mouth to the partner's mouth when kissing. Types of deep kissing including long-term skin contact may be a condition of infection.
Types of kisses
Most studies of oral HPV infection focus on kissing saliva types (for example, French kissing). This is because kissing saliva involves a lot of contact with the lips, teeth, and tongue and there is more skin contact than a normal kiss. There are some other sexual diseases that can be transmitted through kissing and the risk of infection when kissing saliva is higher than normal.
The ability of sexually transmitted diseases for kissing
Currently, research on HPV transmission through kissing is still ongoing. Although it is not possible to confirm 100% of diseases can be transmitted in this way, but most studies have found relevance. This also raises concerns about sharing behaviors such as eating utensils (spoons, forks, straws, etc.) and lipsticks.
It is true that HPV is infected with "skin-to-skin contact" , not through body fluids (saliva, sperm .). So sharing drinking water, eating utensils and some other objects with high saliva is not highly contagious.
Usually, unprotected sexual contact is the most common way of contracting HPV, followed by oral sex.
Things can be done to limit the risk of spread
Safe sex reduces the risk of HPV infection almost completely.
- Learn thoroughly about disease and disease-causing structures to protect yourself and others.
- Safe sex. Always use a condom when having sex with a partner that you do not know about your health status, even if you have oral sex.
- Regular health checks. If you are sexually active and have a sexual partner, you and your partners should check regularly.
- Limited or no sex. Although it is said that HPV is transmitted by skin contact, only when close contact like sex is the most likely to be infected. In order not to be infected, limit the number of sexual partners or limit sex.
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