Korea successfully cloned asexual dog

Scientists in South Korea have just announced that they have succeeded in cloning the world's first cloned dogs. Yesterday (August 5), Korea officially announced the birth of asexual dogs.

Mrs. Bernann McKinney of Canada, did not hesitate to pay up to £ 25,000 to be able to become the owner of five identical dogs, cloned from the Booger (the breed dog between Bull and Hound dogs. )

McKinney burst into tears and said, " I love the Booger very much. All five cloned dogs are exactly like their father dogs. They will be my close friends."

Scientists from Seoul National University have found embryos from skin cells, taken from the Booger's dog's ear tissue before it dies. These embryos have been implanted under the skin of two replacement dogs and three months later the puppies have been born.

Now scientists are planning to expand the response to future cloning orders.

Prime Minister Ra Jeong-Chan predicts cloning companies can clone more than 300 dogs next year, to meet the demand for pet animals.

Picture 1 of Korea successfully cloned asexual dog

Ms Bernann McKinney hugs one of the cloned dogs in her arms (Photo: Koreatimes.co.kr)