Laser gloves made just like Ironman

Patrick Priebe created a glove that resembles a part of the upper armor and can fire the laser.

Admire Ironman's homemade gloves

Certainly those who know Ironman are fond of Tony Stark's armor, though it's almost impossible to make it. But with the infinite creativity of man, Patrick Priebe has made a glove almost identical to that part of the armor and it can shoot laser.

He was trained to become a technical technician in paints and polymers but he was unlucky with this job and he decided to return home to become a mechanic in a small German city. The glove has two laser generators , one red and one green with a capacity of 700mW and 3000mW respectively. The red laser can only blast the balloons, while the blue laser can burn a piece of wood and drill an orange. These are very impressive examples, here are some pictures and videos about this interesting item:

Ironman gloves

Picture 1 of Laser gloves made just like Ironman

Picture 2 of Laser gloves made just like Ironman

Picture 3 of Laser gloves made just like Ironman

Now Patrick Priebe says he is planning a full assembly of the IronSuit in the future . Certainly the Ironman fans will be very excited about this news.