Latest information about Mars

NASA scientists say the latest Mars spacecraft has been discovering new clues to the ancient environment and the recent environment on the red planet during its first observation week from low orbit. .

From September 29 to October 6, scientific devices on this spacecraft have observed dozens of locations that reflect different geological periods in the history of Mars.

According to NASA officials, the ship's high-resolution imaging science testing camera showed unprecedented details in images taken from Mars orbit.

The high-resolution camera - the image spectrometer and the wider-angle camera of Mars's orbiter surveyed were focused on the Mawrth Vallis area.

Dr. Scott Murchie, the principal examiner of the image spectrometer, said the images provided traces of changes in weather conditions.

Dr. Murchie stressed that this is indeed the history of climate change that has been recorded in the ice classes.

The details seen in the new observation such as small channels are consistent with the wet conditions of the past.

NASA scientists hope that Mars survey orbiter will answer questions about the history and process of Mars's water allocation, which can be done by combining data from a series of its device.

The orbiter surveying Mars will begin its main scientific mission phase in early November 2006, when Mars reappears after nearly passing behind the Sun.

Picture 1 of Latest information about Mars

Mawrth Vallis area (Photo:

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