'That' on Mars will be dangerous, but it can create new subspecies of humans

The idea of ​​human life is no longer a vain thought as before. NASA and space research agencies around the world, along with scientists and freelance researchers, are working hard to determine exactly what people need to adapt to stars. Fire.

It will be a great challenge for the team, including setting up structures, creating sustainable food sources, adapting to harsh conditions, but most importantly, ensuring heredity, because the conditions of Mars will make mating difficult.

In the latest study published in Futures magazine, an international team of scientists examined the challenges of reproduction. It is a dangerous proposition, but if people succeed in being pregnant, giving birth on another planet, it will be a good sign for a new beginning of humankind.

Picture 1 of 'That' on Mars will be dangerous, but it can create new subspecies of humans
Revising the genome of future babies could easily increase the prospect of surviving Mars.

In the report, the researchers focused on solving a large number of potential problems that could arise when humans give birth on Mars. The first and most obvious barrier is the environment with low gravity, which can create a serious threat to conception and pregnancy, a far cry from the ease on Earth.

With only a third of gravity compared to Earth, people living on Mars will suffer from a range of health problems. The reason why scientists can be sure of this is because of research from astronauts who have been in space, affected by the zero gravity environment for several months or even a year. The weaker gravity forces the muscles to degrade quickly and weaken bone structure. In addition, astronauts sometimes have vision problems and even change brain structures due to the effects of extraterrestrial environments.

That's what a "perfectly healthy" adult must suffer in a space environment, only an adult who has suffered such terrible changes, what to say to the children, it will be a The really challenging challenge is posing for scientists. Specifically about that difficulty, look at the births that happen every day in the world, we can't even know whether a child is safe to the Earth world, let alone is Mars.

The report also examines the inherent challenges of migrating to another planet. Love may have to give way to the survival and development challenge of mankind, men and women will be paired with the biological characteristics they possess, not the emotional nature of things that are takes place on Earth too. Even some individuals may never be allowed to have children due to unwanted biological characteristics or create a bad risk for human existence on Mars.

In a separate section of the report, the researchers noted that the gradual elimination of bad traits and optimization of traits helps life-sustaining people on Mars give us a benefit. big, but with that modified genome, over the generations, it is likely to create a "new" human being , individuals that can live well on Mars but can never survive on the Fruit. Land. Whether in the future, when the above things come true, do we need to review the concept of "people"?