Laugh help orgasm in sex

Laughing with friends will release brain chemicals to create a positive feeling, while reducing pain, according to the latest research by British scientists.

Mr. Robin Dunbar and his colleagues at Oxford University said that laughter can activate endorphin in the brain. These analgesic chemicals are created in response to exercise, excitement, pain, eating spicy foods, love, sexual orgasms .

Picture 1 of Laugh help orgasm in sex
A smile with ten painkillers.

In addition to making people feel excited, happy, endorphins enhance the ability to ignore pain. Researchers tested the pain tolerance of volunteers and showed them funny videos (clip Mr. Bean and TV show 'Friends').

The results showed that the pain tolerance of volunteers increased sharply after laughing. On average, watching 15 minutes of funny comedy videos increases the pain threshold by 10%. If viewed alone, the threshold for pain increases less. If the video content is not funny, the threshold of pain does not change or decrease.

'These results may explain that the endorphins are triggered by laughter , ' the team concluded. Natural laughter causes the abdominal muscles to function strongly, stimulating the release of endorphins.