Launched bikini by 3D printing technology
N12, the result of a combination of Continuum Fashion and 3D Shapeways printing experts, has been launched and is being advertised as 'the first 3D printing ready-to-wear clothing'.
This high-tech bikini is not really sexy and its name is derived from 'nylon 12' - the material used in 3D printing. 3D Nylon 12 printing technology is very powerful, flexible, able to print with an impressive 0.7mm (0.027 in). This material is completely waterproof, ideal for use in swimwear.
Through a process known as selective sintering lasers (SLS), it is possible to achieve complex geometric designs combined with small circularly connected circles.
"This bikini design reflects the complexity and beauty of 3D printing, and it also demonstrates the complexity of the technology that creates a solid, flexible nylon surface ," said Mary Haung of Continuum. Fashion says. 'Thousands of round plates connected by thin springs, created a completely new material. The layout of the circle pattern has been achieved through the text code, customizing the circle according to the surface curvature. In this way, the aesthetic design is completely based on the fabric of the product. '
N12 is implemented using 3D Rhino CAD software along with the written algorithm of 3D modeling expert Jenna Fizel. These tools also provide circular sizes, algorithm links and calculations of the parts that need to be edited.
Bikini N12 has been sold but is still limited. The cost for each part of the bikini is about 200-300USD (from 4 to 6 million VND) and is ordered separately. Hopefully the price of this product will decrease as 3D printing on clothing is more popular.
References: Gizmag
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