Learn about the shield logo of Portugal

The logo of the Portuguese team is a Cup picture. There is a shield in the middle. On the shield, there are 5 small blue shields with 5 white polka dots. This is seen as a symbol of the five wounds of Jesus when he was crucified and related to "Ourique miracle".

The story of this miracle tells that, before the Battle of Ourique (July 25, 1139), a monk appeared before the Count of Afonso Heriques (King Afonso I of the future, the first king of Portugal) as a messenger from God. He predicted that Afonso would win and assure him that God was watching him and the soldiers from above. The monk advised him to leave the station alone, if he heard a church bell the following night.

Picture 1 of Learn about the shield logo of Portugal
Logo of the Portuguese team with the image symbolizing the five wounds of God.

He followed the monk, Afonso saw Jesus appear on the cross. In ecstasy, Afonso heard Jesus promise brittle victories in the upcoming battles. The Lord also wanted to act through Afonso and his descendants to create an empire would bring his reputation to unknown lands, and the Portuguese were chosen to perform the task. this big.

Encouraged by the divine experience, Afonso won the war against the Moors Almoravid, overwhelming the number of soldiers dominated by Ali ibn Yusuf. Legend has it that Afonso alone killed five Moors kings of Seville, Badajoz, Elvas, Evora, and Beja before continuing to destroy more than a tenth of the enemy.

Grateful to Jesus, he placed five shields into a cross, symbolizing the victory God helped in front of the five Moors, each containing five wounds of Jesus in the form of 5 white polka dots. Total of these dots (the number of dots in the middle shield is doubled) 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 10 = 30, representing 30 silver coins that Judas Iscariot has accepted to sell Jesus.

Tonight, Seleccao will bring the Olympique Lyonnais Parc divine shield in Lyon with the same belief that will defeat the Red Dragon Wales.