Shredded 'origami' compact, folded like a paper crane but good bulletproof

The shield is very lightweight with a weight of 24 kilograms and can provide protection for 2-3 police officers.

Even if you are a Japanese origami art enthusiast, you probably have not thought about folding a crane that can save your life. But the engineers at Brigham Young University have that kind of style. Because it is not a crane, it is a shield.

Picture 1 of Shredded 'origami' compact, folded like a paper crane but good bulletproof
This shield is only 24kg.

The hurdles created by Brigham Young University scientists weigh only 24 kilograms. Extremely easy to carry, this small suit with a suitcase can be extended into a large shield with its unique folding mechanism. The figure of 24 kilograms is still quite large, but the conventional bulletproof shield weighs at least 45 kilograms. Reinforcing the Kevlar's 12-layer aluminum shield, replacing the steel frame, reduced its weight considerably.

Once expanded, it has the ability to shield two to three police officers and block most of the handguns. Very effective, but it is not necessarily usable in all cases.

Shield Origami.

But the team at Brigham Young University is confident that the fold will still be greeted by enthusiastic police officers and will always carry it in the car because of its small, lightweight.